Tips on how to stay safe on Halloween

Clare M. ’20

Halloween candy

Halloween night seems to be about candy, costumes, and more candy. Even though people get the rush of getting free treats, you should always remember to stay safe. Here are just a couple tips that you should follow.

Tip #1: Keep your costumes comfortable and safe. Don’t wear all dark clothing because it will be very hard for other people to see you. Always make sure your costume fits you and that nothing will trip you while you’re walking house to house. Bring glow sticks or flashlights so you can see where you are going and so other people can see you. Look at the weather before you go out trick or treating so you can dress appropriately. This all has to do with having a safe costume whether you’re going to be trick or treating or attending a Halloween party.

Tip #2: Make smart and safe decisions to go to safe places. Only go to safe places to places you know and recognize so you don’t get lost. If you do get lost, always bring your cell phone so you can contact someone you trust to be picked up. Make a group chat including everyone in your group so that if you do get lost, you have your friends at the touch of a button. Don’t interact with people you feel uncomfortable with or don’t trust. You can even make a map of where you’re planning to go and have a designated spot to meet if you get lost while you’re with you friends.

Tip #3: Stay healthy after a night of just candy. Eat your candy in a over a period of time. 2-3 pieces a day is just enough to satisfy your sweet tooth. After eating all those pieces make sure to brush your teeth to keep them clean and sugar-free!! Drink plenty of water because it will help to fill you up and you will eat less candy. Candy is very good but always think about the amount you consume!

Halloween is a fun and eventful night, but we always need to stay safe! If you follow these few tip you will have a happy and healthy night of getting free candy and spending time with friends!