Thursday January 24th was the feast of St. Francis de Sales. St. Francis de Sales is one of Padua’s patron Saints and we celebrated a liturgy for his feast day. This Saint is a great role model for the Padua community.
Saint Francis was not always a holy man, totally devoted to God. Before he turned his life over to God, Francis liked to sword fight and go to parties. Francis was a very patient man and waited for God’s will to be clear to him. One day, God sent him a message while he was riding his horse. Francis fell from his horse three times and his sword fell to the ground in a shape of a cross each time. Before he knew it, Francis was appointed a Bishop and he converted many people to Catholicism. Saint Francis is a perfect example about how we can make mistakes and sin, but if we are patient and keep an open heart God will always continue to love us and send us His love.
This mass celebrated the life of this powerful Saint. Father Mark reminded the school that we are all called to live with God and we do not have to be a priest or a nun. We are called to, in the words of Saint Francis de Sales “Be who you are and be that well.” Through “Love and Service” we can live a life in Christ because with him we are never alone.
Mass was offered in memory of our loved ones who have died, especially: Rosemary Sannini Crawford ’71 (1/22/13), Sharon Charney Holtzinger ’87 (12/23/12), Kathleen Brennan ‘74 (11/16/12), Sr. Ann Michele Zwosta, OSF (11/1/12), Robert E. Potter, Jr. (8/29/12), and Sarah Smith (1/24/12).