SIA Leadership Conference

On February 22, the Padua Academy and Salesianum Students in Action teams joined together to host the third annual St. Francis de Sales leadership conference at Padua Academy. Over seventy-five students from local grade schools attended the conference. These students participated in many fun activities in which they learned about the required skills needed in order to be a successful leader.

The theme of this year’s conference was related to the board game Clue and was titled, “Get a CLUE about Leadership.” The Leadership Conference is one of the projects that many students look forward to every year. Senior leader, Bridget Fassano, states, “It’s a great experience to take what we have learned about being leaders in our community and teach those lessons to young leaders so that they may become even stronger leaders of the future.  It is amazing to see them blossom throughout the day while they are interacting with the other students, learning about the many skills of leadership such as ‘effective communication’, and having fun at the same time.  I find it really rewarding.” The students who attended were able to work together cooperatively to find, what they believed to be, the true secret to leadership.They were also educated about the benefits of situational leadership training in personal as well as professional life.