Padua Dance Team Performs at Pep Rally
On Friday, February 2nd, the entire student body piled into the gym for a pep rally to conclude Catholic Schools Week. Boasting their class colors, the tension was evident as each class competed to win the distinction of having the most spirit.
The Padua Dance Team performed a routine in the center of the gym, but was met with technical difficulties about halfway through when the backing music shut off. “After about 30 seconds, I kind of started freaking out because we rely heavily on the lyrics for that dance,” says junior dancer Gabby Norris. However, they powered through and completed their dance. The claps and cheers echoed through the building as the team danced on.
Having the music shut off halfway through a routine may seem like a dancer’s worst nightmare, but not to the PDT. Staying on beat without music is no easy task, but due to the amount of practice put in and level of connection amongst dancers, it was a feat well accomplished. “I’m really proud of my teammates for that and I think it’s because of how close we are as a group,” says Norris. “We could communicate with each other while performing without using words and it’s an amazing bond to have.”

Stella White is a senior at Padua Academy. Born in Delaware, with a wonderful British accent, Stella has spent a lot of her life growing up in England....