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Padua 360

Your Source For All Things Padua

Padua 360

Your Source For All Things Padua

Padua 360

Paisley D. '25

Paisley D. ’25, Reporter

Paisley D. is a freshman hailing from Brandywine Springs School. This year, she is a staff reporter for Padua 360 in the Multimedia Journalism class. So far, she said has enjoyed the start of her first year in a new school environment.

Paisley decided to take journalism because she enjoys writing and gets “very intrigued by other stories.” Social studies is her favorite school subject.

“I’m a really big fan of history,” Paisley said. “Especially if it’s really, really interesting, I get really into it.”

Also an athlete, Paisley cheers for the Padua team and has been preparing to perform at fall football games. Because of this, she said she does not have much room in her schedule for many other activities.

“That’s really it,” Paisley said. “That takes up a lot of time.”

When she does have free time, Paisley loves to watch scary movies, her favorite being “Scream.” Over the summer, Paisley traveled to Dewey Beach and Rehoboth beach with her friends.

Paisley said her biggest inspiration is Taylor Swift because she is “a great influence on people” despite the “scandal” over her music recordings.

“… She’s never really done wrong,” Paisley said. “If anything people have done her wrong. … I think she’s just always been positive through a lot of things that [have] happened.”

Looking to the future, Paisley said she either wants to become a police officer or work in the FBI. She hopes to interview suspects involved in criminal cases.

“I’m very nosy,” she said. “I like to know what’s going on with people and like to hear what they have to say about what’s happened.

All content by Paisley D. ’25